Friday, June 30, 2017

We head for bed. Well, Daddy does first & I follow. He lights me up with his Kindle when I climb in beside him to see what kind of nightie I'm wearing. And why am I wearing a nightie and panties anyway? Because I'm a thitthy faggot, Daddy. Soon, I'm kneeling on the side of the bed, rubbing Daddy's big balls on my cheeks. Why? Because I'm a thitthy faggot, Daddy. Then I'm licking his cock, running my tongue up the length of it, and gently sucking the head of it, all the while holding the shaft like a sugared ice cream cone. Why? Because I'm a thitthy faggot, Daddy. All this tongue teasing is well and good, but at this point Daddy wants to get down to some serious face-fucking, so he starts thrusting his hips, pounding my face with his belly, driving his cock back to the back of my throat, over and over. I'm gulping and gasping and drooling desperately trying to keep his cock in my mouth….and why is that? Because I'm a thitthy faggot, Daddy. Inevitably, Daddy is going to cum because that's what Daddies do when they're with thitthy faggots like me. And that's what Daddy does. he cums and cums and cums. And I swallow every last drop and lick his cock clean. And why do I do all this? One more time, with my hair disheveled, my face smeared with cum and saliva: Because I'm a thitthy faggot, Daddy! 

'cause i'm a thitthy faggot, Daddy!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Everyone grows old, gets sick, dies. Well who doesn't know that?! Other people somehow manage to live with this rudimentary knowledge about life. Is it because they realize they have no choice? Fine, I can understand that. You make the best out of the situation. But then why do they insist that life is such a good thing? Did they forget the loved ones they lost and buried? Did they forget the pain they and everyone suffers? Why do they continue to have children? That's not solving the problem. That's just kicking the can down the road. Now it's their problem! It's like being in a concentration camp and deciding to create more victims for the Gestapo to gas! I just don't get it. I'm no different than I was when I was five and realized the truth about life and death for the first time. I never got over it, I guess. It seemed unimaginably horrible then and it seems every bit as unimaginably horrible now. How do people manage to live "normal" lives in the face of these grim inevitabilities? Either there is something wrong with everyone else or there is something wrong with me! I guess it must be me. The whole world can't be wrong! Then again, just look at the world! Even if it's wrong, it's right, just by virtue of being The World. But how do I get right? I just can't seem to. Sometimes I want to off myself, not because I'm unhappy, but just because I can't stand the suspense of waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the Gestapo's knock on the door. I'm always listening for the footstep on the stair. People don't seem to understand that you can kill yourself because you're happy. Because you want to avoid the inevitable, because you want to leave on a high note. Is that so unreasonable? As I see it, it's a perfectly cold-bloodedly mathematically reasonable solution to the problem—which is precisely why most people can't fathom it. 


Note on the above:
This is my basic philosophical stance toward life. I always feel this way. It's just that, ordinarily, it's a lot more in the background, not that a day goes by that I don't have cause to pause and reflect on how I feel. In other words, I think about death and it's "cure"—suicide—on a daily basis. But yesterday I think these painful thoughts were brought to the foreground and were made to feel all the more acute because of the injection of estradiol I'd received the day before. It was the first injection I'd gotten in a year. The injectable liquid form of estradiol 20ml had been unavailable due to manufacturing "issues" since last July. My doctor had me tripling up on the oral dose and while that is not the preferred method of taking hormone replacement—tougher, as I understand it, on your liver—it is probably not the massive influx of hormone all at once that you get when it is injected. I suspect, after a year, I wasn't as accustomed to getting that much hormone at once as I had been. Usually the injection just makes me feel a bit run down and a little headachy. Nothing too bad. Yesterday, though, I felt headachy, nauseous, jittery, and had periods of wild palpitations. I was super-emotional, panicky, and had feelings of impending doom. Actually, I have these feelings all the time but yesterday they were dialed up to 11. Panic attacks, anxiety, dissociation, PTSD…I've suffered from them all since I was a child. But I think the hormones amplified all that ordinary yuckiness  I wasn't particularly suicidal... not any more than ordinary. In fact, I felt too crappy to be suicidal. Usually, the hormones makes me feel better (and hopefully two weeks from now when I get my next injection they will). Today, after a somewhat shaky night (until I got up in the wee hours and snuck a sliver of cold leftover pizza from the fridge) I already feel better.  No problems have been solved. Life is still a horror. But I can deal with the existential crisis of being a mortal human being a little better today than yesterday. Meaning, I can ignore it for longer periods of time.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Duck with a Bazooka, Meep-Meep

Luckily I woke up just in time
to start dying
by that I mean I was born
it was a fine day
partly bloody
partly screaming
someone left the refrigerator door open
& the veal chops
made a run for it
they made it halfway across the kitchen floor
before collapsing
good times
I, too, hit the ground running
I held a lettuce in my hands
like a prophetic head, glowing greenly,
not that I ever got the idea it had
the slightest idea where we were going
but what can you expect
I mean, in those days, I was a cartoon coyote
with a stick of TNT in each paw
I kept exploding at the end
of every scene
I didn’t understand the rationale
behind my own stupidity
until it was made clear to me
that exploding is what I was meant to do
oh now I get it, I said,
but I didn’t, not really
what I liked, I’ll admit, was how I’d hang there
suspended in mid-air
defying gravity
just for a second or two
the mere charred framework of myself
before falling softly to earth
in a neat little pile of ashes
push-broomed out of the frame
by some guy with a bushy handlebar mustache
I was a child then
I’m a child now

Saturday, June 24, 2017


I counted almost ten bones
It was a muddy moment
I continued to feel strange
And chose the strangest one

An ache none can see
I am so over it
I feel calm now
And temporary

Turn me please

You are deserted
I was born on a menu
Sure my laugh was improper
Improper as a parmesan cheese

I assisted a passenger
in a car full of diversity

No one ever got out
No one

I was nuanced
I was queer
I was argent

I was an agent ago

Torso-me elves
& one
& eon

Friday, June 23, 2017

I Understand and I Wish to Continue
"Written poetry is worth reading once and then should be destroyed." 
—Antonin Artaud

Code menu sunhat 
quiz me nose

sow manna adages
& nap 

diversion mobile sods
assisted at the passages
ovum lends
pagans menu 
sentry owns the stop

pour disco adhesion 
segue sap pretend
queue a passion sequence

note the merger 
queen the lip
then meeow anew

jungle quiz in snit
feel religion joe
religion for a dingo

god’s saber
Benjamin Franklin defibrillator

I’m opaque to secrets

Author photo

Author foot photo

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Why You Feel the Way You Do

You go out in the morning for coffee and when you come back home you’re twenty-five years older than when you left. No one can explain this common phenomenon to your satisfaction. 

*     *     *

When you walk into an empty room tell me that the furniture doesn’t look smug, as if it had been talking about you while you were out of earshot, and none too kindly either. Go ahead. Get up and walk into another room right now and see for yourself, if you haven't already noticed. I'll wait. I've got nothing better to do.

*     *     *

I captured this sentence and watched it beat its Technicolor wings against the glass of an old mayonnaise jar until it was ragged and colorless and meant nothing anymore. Now I give it to you. You can give it to someone else if you like. I don’t give a damn what you do with it. 

*     *     *

Since the beginning of time, old women have been sitting on porches painfully knitting with the knobby, arthritic fingers of has-been prizefighters a blanket large enough to smother the whole earth but they never quite finish and that is why you and everyone you meet look a little out of breath, a little blue. 

*     *     *

Do you remember that cold gray morning standing in front of the firing squad? How they took aim and fired shot after shot, always wide of the mark, until, disgusted, you took up an extra rifle and shot yourself through the heart to show them how it was done?  Well, I do. I was there, standing blindfolded, right beside you. And, man, you were fucking magnificent.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Fernando Pessoa Carried Off by Ants 

in love carts
nothing follows
nothing fossils
now the serum

time in a cartoon


if I committed any crime
it was to fall asleep
when the meteors came

a final mass
a nun caricature
a tree buried in a hole
all the way to turpentine


my tambourine has a small memory
dressed in goo

I speak in sentimental espadrilles
in English it means:
to cut off your face to spite your nose

happy birthday, the bazooka whispers

Friday, June 9, 2017

Hark, dumbass! The error is not to fall, but to fall from no height.
—Dean Young

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Blue Narwhal Application
(please read before singing)

Would you like to receive blue narwhals?
What about emails with blue narwhals?
Special blue narwhal mandalas and accessories?
Blue narwhal activities?
Speak up. 
We can’t read your mind.
If you answered “yes,” please continue.
How do you want to be notified about blue narwhals?
Do you want to be a blue narwhal?
What do you think this is, heaven?
That horn, that’s really a canine tooth that spirals counter-clockwise up to nine feet in length.
It's covered with nerve endings.
It stuns prey.
This isn't a Disney film about blue narwhals.
This is the 100% blue narwhal real thing.
Would you like blue narwhals in a language other than English?
If so, please tell us what language you imagine.
Would you like a blue narwhal instead of a grandmother?
Are you a grandmother?
Get that sense of completeness you're missing with a stunning blue narwhal.
A blue narwhal may not cause symptoms until it moves  into your ureter.
Then look out for your nation’s flag!
There are two forms of universal comedy that transcend all languages and races: Men getting hit in the crotch and blue narwhals. 
The chopped blue narwhal is probably a drug-dealer sandwich.
Poor oral hygiene, gum disease, tooth decay, or mouth infections can create an environment in which blue narwhals thrive.
Would you like a blue narwhal kiss?
What was Joseph Goebbels like as a person? Ask a blue narwhal; he'd know.
Just yesterday, a blue narwhal didn't show up for a DUI case in Montana because it was living with a temple of monks.
The monks never said a word.
True story: Google is working on a blue narwhal that can be injected into people's eyeballs.
Up here in a penthouse, 600 feet in the sky, where it's hard to make out the regular people below, a blue narwhal smiles down mysteriously upon you.
Close your eyes and pucker up.
Your wish is about to come true.
Or someone's.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

 Orgasm Factory Recall

I do not think
        except in pink
                  Hello Kitty
   polished toenails
       long smooth legs
    panties wet
    craigslist ads
nameless men
cum face
start again
  let down
          teddy bear
   neither of us
                touch me there

Sunday, June 4, 2017

I Was Karma Fucked by an Alien Zoo
(a true recipe for semi-happiness)

a glass of white wine
to stomach the fear

kneeling on the floor
& no help near

is that clear

the best way to wear your hair
is to plait it in a cat braid
& tie it with black ribbon

are you afraid?
i hope so
he’s huge already

around your wrists and ankles
ribbons with tiny bells

they damn your kind to hell

his two thick thighs
set wide

no pride
a truck parked down the block
where you can’t see it

a buzzing in your head
like a wasp trapped in a jar
if they find you dead
what will be said
thank god, you won’t be here to hear it

I’m going to enjoy this,
he says
almost like the threat
it is

any moment now you’ll be tasting
his jizz
his fizz
that’s life, you think,
& swallow


shaved balls tucked into a pair
of skimpy black panties
your shrunken cock
a nub
a flub
of nature
you hear applause
in spite of all your flaws
a cold smear of cum
where the air conditioner
kisses your knee

do you have to pee?
too bad

he calls you faggot

it’s like you’ve been doing
this all your life
& you have but with a wife
in your fantasies

no wonder why it feels so right
if he put his hands around your throat
would you fight
or flight
or sit there holding tight?

no regrets
could be tattooed
on your breasts

and leave your high heels on
he says

of course, you think,
& he won’t kill you
till he cums

this & crumbs
are what you live for

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Sex Doll Mistaken for Angel
      girly faggot
    blowjob princess
 gender maggot
          high-heel walking
lispy talking
           fuck my prissy hole
i know my role
          smack me down
          tie me up
                i sip humiliation
                           by the cup
                                        ***with pinkie out***
                  take me
                  bake me
                  eat me raw
                          with a girl like me
                                       there is no law
                   no limits
                   no taboo
                   what you want
                   i will do
                             i go with every kind of flow
                             no exceptions
                             no no means no
                                        just jump my ass
                                                       & off we go
                             i’ll make your cock
                                                                          & when you’re done
                                                                                 toss me away
                                                                                 until next time
                                                     a girl like me was not mere born
                                                     like every other girl you see
                                                     but consciously
                                                                              painstaking made
                                                                                & maid
                                                                                & flayed
                                                                                & self-betrayed
                                                                                to tease you
                                                                                please you
                                                                                get on my knees 
                                                                                for you
                                                                                take me daddy
                                                                                tell me
                                                                                what to do
                                                                                to say
                                                                                i'm your thing
                                                                                pull my string        
                                                                                your thing
                                                                                let's play

Friday, June 2, 2017

Manual Cerebellum Pump Fake

“One ought to sink to the bottom of the sea, probably, & live alone with one’s words.” –Virginia Woolf

Left lane ends
          terminate your life
       regular $2.59
              a gallon
teriyaki meanwhile
           the prosthetic
   you hop
                 the aqua quip
                     if you lose your grip
    something will surely grip you
               under the water then
          all those claws
       Coca Cola
           Coca Cola
the U.S.S. Real Thing
         throw us a line
                  rescue us sometime
the surface is not
                      as close

as you drink