Friday, May 25, 2018

It is a "he." Chromosomes don't lie and so far science has not figured out a way to change them. No matter what operations the tax payers were forced to pay for, at best this is an "it."

—Random comment from a story about Chelsea Manning who was delivering a talk on the dangers of government surveillance. 

But it was typical of 90% of the comments from the yahoos on Yahoo this morning. These sorts of people, as a last resort, always revert back to "chromosomal determinism," as if you are destined to be only what your chromosomes say & nothing can change your fate. It's a weird sort of update of Christian/Protestant fatalism that basically believes that God has written your life story in stone and nothing you can do in life can change that story one iota, for good or ill. 

Well, aside from ignoring all the other factors that make up one's gender—psychological, hormonal, social, sexual—including  a recent study just released that showed that transwomen often have identical or nearly identical brainwave patterns as biological women—a belief in genetic determinism is just a miserable way to live one's life. In fact, it's not living it at all—merely going through the motions of a script already written on one's chromosomes. And, indeed, that is exactly the dull mechanical way most people go about sleepwalking through their lives. Their anger, resentment & fear—yes fear—of anyone who dares to actively choose the life they want to live comes out loud & clear in these kind of ignorant, close-minded comments. 

There's no point in trying to convince these people any differently and it certainly shouldn't be the reason you choose to undergo SRS if by doing so you're hoping that you'll be seen as a "real" woman by close-minded mental miniatures like the above commenter.  There just isn't room in those cramped walnut-shell minds of theirs for any bright expansive new ideas to take residence. They'll march straight to the grave having seen and understood 1/10000 of what the world has to offer. So long as you're far enough away from their dangerous ignorance, they are to be pitied. 

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