Tuesday, February 16, 2016

=girl pills!=

Yep, i keep them in a "Hello Kitty!" tin.

I got my prescriptions refilled  at the drugstore today. Here they are: Estradiol, 2mg and Medroxyprogesterone 2.5mg, 1 tablet of each once a day. i take them in the morning, before breakfast.

And here, too, is my girl-juice—Estradiol Valerate 20ml: 1 injection, once every two weeks. I used to have to get the injection at the doctor's office, but she taught my husband how to do it, so now he administers it at home, a shot in my tush, which is a lot more convenient, and a lot sexier, too.

i've been on these meds for close to three years now. i've developed a pair of titties—a nice little handful each (as Daddy likes to describe them)—and my genitals have undergone significant diminishment. i can no longer achieve anything like a full erection—penetration of anything denser than a cup of whipped cream would be utterly impossible for me & i'm not even confident of my ability to penetrate the whipped cream—though my sissyclittie (as i like to think of it now) does get chubby when i'm sufficiently aroused. i can cum pretty easily—but then i've always been pretty orgasmic—though the "trigger" is pretty specific to a certain area—which fortunately Daddy can unerringly find, as can my pink butterfly vibrator. It's a matter of diddling & tickling that gets me off—never pumping. Even when I was fully functional, i came this way.

i'm not driven to sex spontaneously as i used to be & when i'm aroused it can just as easily pass—sex doesn't remain an obsession until i climax—the way it used to be. Because this is the case, i don't usually get "frustrated" if my partner wants to fuck me without reciprocation. My sex drive is still there, but its greatly dialed down, almost muted, humming softly in the background.

When I do cum, it's different—not so much an explosion as a kind of cresting of a hill and then a long thrilling ride coming down the other side. Kinda like a descending elevator. The sensation engulfs me from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. It lasts a long time; it's pretty wonderful. Sometimes moreso than others—a lot depends on "timing" it just right in order to get the maximum effect—but the minimum effect sure isn't bad either!

When i cum nothing "comes" out. A little bit of clear fluid—kind of like precum and not much more voluminous than that. It feels the same to me though. If i didn't look down, i don't think i could tell that i hadn't ejaculated. Of course, there's the fact that i don't soak my panties & nighties like i used to do. If nothing else, this is another very welcome side-effect of being chemically castrated (as well as smoother skin & a thicker, quicker growing mane of hair).

Because that's what I am—chemically castrated. The doctor had warned me that there was only so much time to decide this wasn't for me. That, eventually, I would stop producing viable sperm, that i'd become impotent to all intents & purposes, & that certain other physiological changes would be all but irreversible. By now, i've long since passed the point of no return he warned me about.

And I've never once looked back.

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