Thursday, January 19, 2017

=What Kind of Poem This Is=

This is a poem 
without any epiphanies,
where nothing gets resolved,
nothing happens,
hell, I don't think
anything even gets described.

This is a poem through which
no bird flies
no tree casts a shadow,
sheds a leaf,
timbers over,
where nothing natural appears at all
not even a clump of dirt.

This is a poem where
no dad shaves, no mom
dies of cancer, no love
is mourned, nothing
in particular is remembered
at all.

Nothing rhymes,
needless to say.

This is a poem
where phrases like needless to say
are needlessly said.

Lines are truncated
for little 
or no reason.

The word cunt appears
only to liven things up.
The words red cunt appear
to make things even livelier.

This is the kind of poem where
I say I got fucked in the ass last night
and tasted cotton candy
as if the cock probing inside me
activated some childhood olfactory memory lost
in some otherwise unreachable part 
of my brain and in a flash I'm twelve again
under the boardwalk
watching the ferris wheel, hearing
the screams from the rollercoaster
discovering sex for the first time 
even though
none of this is true
nothing of the sort happened. (see 
the verse above).

This is the kind of poem a cat walks through.

This is the kind of poem
where you figure
well, she must be trying to say something
even if unsuccessfully
even though I swear to you
I'm not trying to say anything.

This is the kind of poem
where both of us 
are always wrong.

This is the kind of poem 
that you get lost walking 
around inside
like a new apartment before you've
moved in or like an old
apartment after your stuff
has been moved out
and you think wow, 
where did all the life 
I lived here go?

This is the kind of poem
where somewhere in the middle
the poet starts talking to you
directly or starts talking to herself
as if the reader isn't here at all
as if she were alone.

This is the kind of poem 
that you begin to suspect
was written by a poet
who is just pulling your leg
but you have to wonder
doesn't she have anything
better to do?
Don't I?
Don't you?

This is the kind of poem
that never gets published,
never gets read,
never gets even so far
as being written.

This is the kind of poem
that you figure can only be saved
with a fantastic verse at the end
that ties it all together
that blows open your mind
that it sure the fuck better 
or you're going to feel really cheated
and pissed off that you've wasted
so much of your time reading it.

The kind of poem 
that the poet herself
interrupts to tell you right now
that there will be no fantastic verse 
at the end, that you 
are wasting your time,
that you might as well stop reading
right now if you're thinking
there will be some kind of payoff
to make it all worthwhile.

This is the kind of poem
that tells you this 
when it's already too late
when you've practically 
come to the end
when you figure
oh what the hell
I might as well read 
the rest of it.

(Manipulative bitch. Never read
another word by her, 
you'll end up muttering,
walking away when you're done,
I practically guarantee it).

But this is the kind of poem
that doesn't care what you think
that leaves a blank
between brackets so you can imagine
the poet laughing
at your hunched diminishing 
back as your feet
stomp you away […………………..

This is the kind of poem 
that you're left looking
for what it is a metaphor
for even though the poet
insists it's not a metaphor
for anything, honest injun.

The way people will insist
on finding meaning in divorces,
loss of limbs, natural disasters, 
sudden deaths, that's 
not her problem.

This is the kind of poem
that lets you go on deluding 
yourself if that's what
you've set your mind to doing,
it's not any skin
off this poet's nose.

This is the kind of poem that 
doesn't care if you're listening
or not, like a radio playing
in a room the only person 
sitting in has just
walked out of.

This is the kind of poem the cat walked through again.

This is the kind of poem 
that can't remember 
whether it said it didn't have any
similes in it and if it turns out 
it did say such a thing doesn't
care if it violated its own 
rules or contradicts itself now
nor will it go back
and change what it said

That's because 
this is the kind of poem that 
revises itself
by addition as it goes along,
it doesn't look back.

this is the kind of poem 
that invites you to add a verse
or two yourself.
Go ahead, add three,
or a dozen, knock yourself out,
be my guest
don't just fucking sit there
do something
get involved.
I don't own this poem any more
than I own the words
it's written with,
the hand that holds the pen,
or the brain attached 
to the hand.
None of it is mine,

Publish it yourself if you like
if you can
under your own name.
Do you think I fucking care?

You can add your own lines here: [


This is the kind of poem that allows
your mind to wander off,
to come back later,
or never to come back at all,
the kind of poem that will be
in the same place you left it
whenever you left it
whenever you return
if you return
who cares?

This is the kind of poem
as if you couldn't 
have guessed 
that doesn't give a shit about you
at all
and why should it
did you add anything to it
like you were kindly asked to
just a couple of verses above
or did you just sit there
like a bump on a log
expecting all the work
to be done for you
thinking your passivity
your inane criticisms
were enough?

Look, this isn't the kind of poem
that pretends to be your best friend
or your lover
or even your ex-lover;
it's none of those things.

This poem isn't your goddamn mother.

This is the kind of poem the cat walks through
for the third time now.

The kind of poem
that looks across the table at you
and says it's over
I don't love you anymore
that ends
just like this
without warning

or not
the kind of poem
just hanging around
in case 
you have another line 
to add
something more to say
that might convince it
to linger
a while longer...

The kind of poem that lights 
a cigarette
and when you snarkily inquire 
since when 
did you start smoking
tilts back its head
and shoots a flawless stream of smoke
straight up in the air
smirking conspiratorially at the stars
it cannot name 
as if to say
just who the hell 
do you think you are 
to even ask.

And, only then, as if it
were just waiting for this
precise moment all along
finally gets up and leaves 
without another word.
Like this.

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