Thursday, April 7, 2016

=sissyholics anonymous 3=

Dear Daddy,  I have come to realize the need for guidance from a higher power.  I have made the decision to turn my life and care over to you. I fully understand and accept the fact that this is the last decision I will ever be allowed to make. I know that sometimes the path you set me on will be hard to follow and I will be tempted to resist, to disobey, even to run away, but I promise to always do my best to stay the course. If I should falter, I expect and accept that you will punish me as you see fit. This is something I want with all my body, heart, & soul. My old way of life is ugly and unacceptable to me now. I can never go back to it. If I do, I know that I will perish. My attempts at being a man were always a failure and always will be, a pretense, caused by a deformity of birth & a mistake of nature. For me, testosterone is a poison that has warped my judgment and blinded me so that I  have not been able to see my true identity.  Please collar me, leash me, make me yours. Cure me, Daddy, once and for all, of this terrible disease. I am too weak to do it alone. I understand that now. Help me, Daddy, to become the sissy that I was always meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. Bill W. is rolling over in his grave:)

    Very nicely done!


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